Project GOAL
Promote the all-day movie marathon at Frida Cinemas in Anaheim to encourage ticket and in-person merchandise sales.
Guess the movie
Graphics created across social media and newsletter to promote Yakirama 2. Whoever guessed the most right in a poll won a free ticket.
The following graphics were made for the day the poll went live
SMS gif sent through Attentive SMS subscribers in a 100-mile radius of the event.
A video I created with my co-worker Kyra Kaufer to promo the Yakirama event. Posted on Reels and Tiktok. I edited the video and Kyra did the sound for it.
Promo VIDEO Thumbnails
Thumbnails created for Reels and Tiktok. The SY team talked about their picks for Yakirama 2 to promo the event.
Ticket giveaway
Posted on Instagram to boost attention to the event.