Project GOAL
Create a campaign to promote the Illana Wolpert x SY Offical Merch Collection called “The Art of the Rom-Com”. Project Aesthetic: Early Internet Nostalgia
SUBTLE PROMO #1- Community rom-com picks
A social media graphic where we talked to the community about Rom-Coms to get them in the Rom-Com mood.
Teaser #1
The Instagram, Twitter, and Instagram Stories versions of a teaser made to get people excited for this collection.
SUBTLE PROMO #2- TEAM SY rom-com picks
I created these graphics for Instagram and Twitter to subtly get customers excited about this collection and thinking about Rom-Coms.
A SY Team member, Kyra Kaufer, interviewed Illana on Letterboxd as a way to promote the collection. I created the header image for the interview and a two slide promotional social media graphic.
Created in Photoshop and transferred to Mailchimp
Last Call
Instagram version of the “Last Call to Pre-Order” Post